Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Phoenix Insurance Company at Constitution Plaza

In this Photo is a image of the Phoenix Insurance Building and the steps which leads to Constitution Plaza. This picture was taken in downtown Hartford. I changed the color contrast in Pisaca and purposely choose to keep everything else as is. When taken pictures I am rarely alone, it does not matter who I am with everyone wants in on the action. I think my entire family had turned into Photographers. Laughing: Please see the remainder of my photos on Thank You
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  1. Very ol' school looking, I like it!!

  2. the sailboat building!! i love black and white pics

  3. Nice picture!

    I love both black and white and also sephia tones. I have pictures of my own children when they were little in those tones. I really enjoyed this assignment.

  4. see how the sky is a blank and blank entity? moving closer... eliminate the sky, see light and think about composition... you will always hear me encourage you to get closer in this class.

  5. Thanks for the feedback Jerry, I will be sure not be be afraid to get in closer...I will hear your voice in my head..Thanks Again
