Friday, June 18, 2010

For this assignment I took many pictures. The day was bright and sunny, which was a plus. I had to change my posture several times for the same image to get the perfect angle and to not include my own shadow in the pictures. The best shadows I saw were of trees, but I decided to include items that I use in a daily basis. The first one is a playground and you can see the geometric shapes. For the second one I chose a STOP sign with an octagon shape and the last one is a kid's bike, which has a round shape for the tires but in one of the tire's shadow you can see it as an oval shape.


  1. Hi Jacqueline,
    These are really cool. I like the first one especially.

  2. The top one is in the right spirit of the assignment...

    The middle with the stop sigh got skewed somehow...

    The trike is okay but the sepia filter strips out the bottom end and is an easy fix (add low tones) in Picasa.

  3. Thank You Laura the first one is my favorite too. I tried to keep a theme of safety and children, because it describes my labor.

    Thank You Jerry for the tips

    Honestly I liked them better with their natural colors, but I just want to make use of the Picasa.

  4. Hey Jacqueline, I really like the last photo of thie bike. It's also an interesting way of looking for shadows...

  5. The color change does not bring anything to the party... change without a reason is not a good thing generally.

  6. Thank you for the advice Jerry. I am eager to learn from my mistakes. i will post the original photo.
