Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blue Water

My mother saw this photo and declared it as her favorite. I agree, I like this photo also. So I've decided to delete the water wave image and add this one. Hope you like it.
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  1. WOW! This photo looks like it was taken in Hawaii. Where was this taken and what editing tools did you use? Tint?

  2. Thanks Guys. I took this photo at Hammonasett Beach on Sunday. I had one of my boys thro a rock in the water because I wanted to catch the after affect. Later, I wanted to edit it, so I went into Pisaca and played around with the color. Yes Chris you guessed rght I did use the tint option.

  3. kendra, I love this picture. It's fabulous!!

  4. Great experiment, throwing a rock on the water surface to create an effect on the surface tension. It would off been nice to throw small and big rocks all at once to capture small and big circle patterns in the water. I am going to try that in the future..
    Great Job!

  5. I also love this picture, it is beautiful!!!

  6. This is just beautiful. So peaceful, yet the sky is intimidating. Awesome job!
