Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tymier's Portrait

Today with the help of my six year old son Tymier, i was able to complete this weeks assignment. The sunlight in my house is pretty dim. Thankfully Tymier was patient, he is usually  pretty good at helping me, and rarely gives up a fuss not unless of course I'm trying to get him to stop sucking his bottom lip which is something he has been doing since birth.


  1. Beautiful boy...Look at those eyes!

    Good framing.. The main idea is to see how light falls across the face from light to dark.

  2. I would agree. The photo is very nice of your son and I can see the how the natural lighting brighten the photo.

  3. He is so handsome, Kendra, he does have big beautiful doe eyes.

  4. Kendra, Nice photo of your son. The one in black & white is my favorite.
