Saturday, July 10, 2010

Finish Up Week!

Where did the time go?  Here we are in our last week!  I will be doing the grades for the class on Thursday.  Do take a few moments to go through the rubric posted in the upper right corner of the blog.  You can continue to add new work right up until the end on your fotothing account.  There is a 10 image/day limit so plan accordingly.

The last project is meant to be fun and get you thinking about composition and scale without the need to be looking through a camera to find it.  Remember that you can't save the images you create on the Atheneum site, but rather, you need to take a "screen shot" using the "print screen" button on your keyboard.  That puts the image on your screen in memory then you need to paste that "memory" into either Photoshop or "Paint" that ships free with every PC.  Select just the image, then copy it... next FILE>NEW and paste the selected area.  Now save it as a jpg and you are all set to post to the blog and fotothing.  If you have a laptop, the print screen button may be a shared button and you might need to press the Fn or function key to access it.... you do have one though!

It has been a pleasure working with all of you... what a great group!

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