Hi all! My fotothing account URL is: http://www.fotothing.com/msdooner/
I'll be uploading pictures from this weekend very soon! Hope you all enjoy them!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Many of the comments on my purple tulip pic asked if I altered the pic in Picasa. I did only in that I hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button- it automatically adjusts the light and contrast, I think. It, nevertheless, usually, improves the pic the best. Since I filled the frame when I captured the image, I did not need to crop or anything like that. Picasa is an AWESOME editing program and it is the easiest way to blog pics- just select pics to blog and hit the "blog this" button on the tool bar at the bottom of the Picasa page. It will bring you right to our blog- just make sure the proper blog is selected in the drop down box if you subscribe to more than one. These pics also were only altered with the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
New Self Portait
So, as most of you probably do, I have a macro setting- two different ones actually- on my relatively simple olympus digital camera. I tend to have my camera set to the mode for taking "very close up" pics with the anti-hand shake and of course no flash. I enjoy the close up shots. i like to really see whats going on with my subjects. You can not just click off with my camera- i hold the trigger half way down until my pic comes into focus- then i press the rest of the way to snap the flick.
my theme(s)
Hello Classmates
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hello Classmates
My name is Jacqueline Gonzalez and my fotothing username is: JacquelineG
I was able to participate in the graduation ceremony this year, but I still need to finish some credits in order to receive my Bachelors in Psychology. I met with my advisor to discuss my remaining credits and my options and I suggested him to be an easy and fun class, so when I reviewed the list of courses offerred for this mod and I saw Digital Photography I chose it without hesitation. One thing that I would like to share is that I am a preschool teacher and as an early childhood educator one of my responsibilities is to keep an ongoing portfolio for each student's development. An example of fine motor development is easy to see in a work sample, but when it comes to social/emotional development, pictures are the best samples. It is not difficult to read a written sample of a social development, but it is challenging to interpret it, by providing pictures it makes more sense for the parents and others.
About my self portrait I can say that I went shopping today and I took this picture on the window of a car. Before posting the picture I was undecided if I wanted to post it vertically or horizontally because both ways it looked different.
Posted by JacquelineG at 4:51 PM
Hello Classmates
My name is Jacqueline Gonzalez and my fotothing username is: JacquelineG
I was able to participate in the graduation ceremony this year, but I still need to finish some credits in order to receive my Bachelors in Psychology. I met with my advisor to discuss my remaining credits and my options and I suggested him to be an easy and fun class, so when I reviewed the list of courses offerred for this mod and I saw Digital Photography I chose it without hesitation. One thing that I would like to share is that I am a preschool teacher and as an early childhood educator one of my responsibilities is to keep an ongoing portfolio for each student's development. An example of fine motor development is easy to see in a work sample, but when it comes to social/emotional development, pictures are the best samples. It is not difficult to read a written sample of a social development, but it is challenging to interpret it, by providing pictures it makes more sense for the parents and others.
About my self portrait I can say that I went shopping today and I took this picture on the window of a car. Before posting the picture I was undecided if I wanted to post it vertically or horizontally because both ways it looked different.
Posted by JacquelineG at 4:51 PM
Hello My Fellow Photographers,
My name is Kendra Walker. I am a realist who loves to spend quality time with family, watching wild life and shopping for shoes. I have been in with my other half (Kareem) for 14 years. Together we have two incredible sons, our oldest will be 12 in August his name is Tylor, our youngest will be 7 in August his name is Tymier. Today I attended my mothers cookout, wow what a blast we had. As we ate, danced and laughed, I took a variety of photos, some of which I will post on fotothing.com for your viewing and open feedback. My screen name is listed as Kproverbs31. Please stop by-
Thank You in advance,
My name is Kendra Walker. I am a realist who loves to spend quality time with family, watching wild life and shopping for shoes. I have been in with my other half (Kareem) for 14 years. Together we have two incredible sons, our oldest will be 12 in August his name is Tylor, our youngest will be 7 in August his name is Tymier. Today I attended my mothers cookout, wow what a blast we had. As we ate, danced and laughed, I took a variety of photos, some of which I will post on fotothing.com for your viewing and open feedback. My screen name is listed as Kproverbs31. Please stop by-
Thank You in advance,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Self Portrait! week 1
Hi everyone, my name is Evelyn, I am a mother, wife, a student and more. I love taken pictures, but I rather it not be of me. I do not have a big fancy camera but i love it and it works. If i had more time i would probably play more with my camera and taken pictures. That is one reason why i took this class, i would like to learn more about photography. Life at the moment is very busy, in the spring my kids play soccer and baseball. I hope to be taking many pictures in this class! It took me several different pictures and cropping to get to this picture.
Friday, May 28, 2010
A few more...

I put a few more self portraits up on Fotothing and will put one or two here as well. These give everyone a little better view of who I am and what I look like! I don't know why, but for the self portraits, the shot through a mirror intrigued me. I know the garage shot is not very clean - cluttered background. Here goes...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My pretty crazy self portrait...
Okay, so this did not exactly come out as planned, but here's the story. We live along the back side of a golf course and last year the passenger side mirror of my Explorer was broken by a stray golf ball (really bad shot!). Since I still haven't fixed it, I thought it would make an interesting self portrait with the different angles of the mirrored glass still in place. This is what I got. I'll be back outside tomorrow - maybe something involving one of our motorcycles..... Oh, and my Fotothing name is dcldigital. Here's the URL: http://www.fotothing.com/dcldigital/
More to come.
Hello Class!

My name is Laura Gerbe and my Fotothing user name is: lgerbe. I love taking pictures - always have, but have not done so lately due to a busy schedule. This class will give me the opportunity to once again reconnect with my camera and the outside world through its lens. I have a Nikon D40 which I absolutely love. There's no delay and it's so easy to use. I am new at a totally online class environment (and am taking 3!) as well as blogging, so please be patient with me until I learn the proper navigation. I realized yesterday that I need a new battery for my camera, so for now, I've posted a self-portrait which I took in Sonoma, CA. I look forward to viewing everyone's art and incorporating more creativity back into my life!
Hello Everyone

My fotothing username is: rtwalsh
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What’s Due This Week? May 24 – May 31
Wk 1 AMC Digital Photography 1
What’s Due This Week? May 24 – May 31
Hi everyone this is our set up week. This week you will get all systems up and running.
-You have downloaded and installed either the free Picasa3 from Google or Photoshop (either Elements, $79 retail big box stores or $50 discounted online)
-You have taken a self portrait, interpreted any way from a straight ahead shot, to the most abstract. Look at http://flickr.com for some ideas… search: self portrait. You have opened the image on your computer, and edited it for color, light and contrast and perhaps cropping if necessary.
-You have posted this image to the class blog, along with a short introductory bio. http://mod52010digitalphotography.blogspot.com/
-You have commented on a minimum of two of your classmates posts on the blog.
-You have set up your fotothing account at http://fotothing.com and have posted your url (screen name) to the class blog so I can find you and add you to my list of friends. Post 2-6 of your best self portraits on your fotothing account.
-If you have done all of these things, I will record 2 present attendance records for you for the week.
Did you know that the Registrar’s office scans the attendance records each day and if they find that you have been absent for the first two weeks, that you will be administratively withdrawn from the class? Reinstatement takes my permission and a $250 fee. I don’t want to see that happen to anyone. Please call me at home or email me if you are having any technical difficulties. It is very important that you get off to a good start and build momentum from there. Looking forward to seeing you get to work!
MOD 5 Photography I
Hello Everyone!
My name is Marissa Dooner and I am not at all familiar with photography :/. I recently was accepted to the Master's program of Art Therapy and I have completed my 1st semester. My reason for taking up Digital Photography I is because I fell short 6 credits in studios courses, however, Photography is definitely a course or even just an interesting art form that has always caught my attention and I look forward to learning about it!
Marissa Dooner
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hi team members
Hi, my name is Gary and I'm new to the world of photography. It appeared to be pretty interesting so I decided to take the course to learn how to take pictures using natural lighting. Plus I recently purchased a new digital cannon camera for my wife and I'm excited to use it.
My name is Gary, I thought this would be a nice elective course to take since I recently bought my wife a new digital cannon camera that we both love. I'm looking forward to learning how to take pictures using natural lighting in addition to other fun tricks.
Mod 5 Digital Photography Introduction
Hi Mod 5 Class,
My name is Ebony Caster and I am in the process of completing my degree in BA-Business Management. I have a passion of taking pictures. Since I just know the basics of how to point and click, I wanted to learn new ways to design my pictures into my own masterpieces. From the pictures, I have viewed on this website, I have definitely chosen a course I will enjoy and learn some of these techniques. Be patience with me as my pictures will not look like some of these pros in our class but hopefully by week 8 I will create my own Ebony’s masterpiece. Can’t wait to blog over all the amazing photos within the next few weeks. My own Fotothing account is Ebonicas1. Hope to chat with you soon!
Kendra Walker
Hello Class,
My name is Kendra Walker. I'm exited to be apart of this class. Im sure the experience will be wonderful and I'll learn alot.
My name is Kendra Walker. I'm exited to be apart of this class. Im sure the experience will be wonderful and I'll learn alot.
Side by side...
Jerry made a suggestion that I put up a similar photo to the one that I already posted. The lighter (less orange) photo was set to just the portrait setting on the camera. I don't think I made any changes to aperture or shutter at this point. In this case, the orange glow from the candlelight setting on the camera produces a pretty nice effect - although something that I wouldn't be looking for if shooting something like a family portrait. Soon I'll actually get the self portrait up here!
Monday, May 24, 2010
hello everyone!
hi my name is Evelyn Petrie, i have never taken a photo class before but i thought it would be fun. I love taking pictures! I only hope i can understand it all and do the work correctly. Wish you all lots of luck and FUN!!! I am very excited about this class!! Talk to all of you soon.
Dennis that picture of your wife is so pretty! Good Job! She is very pretty, also.
Dennis that picture of your wife is so pretty! Good Job! She is very pretty, also.
My name is Delores Atwater. I am so excited about this class as it will be one of my last to receive my degree. I am so looking forward to working with everyone. I wish everyone the best!
Hi Everyone
My name is Essence Perry. I am very excited to be in this class. I have been trying for an hour to take a reflection picture. After taking a lot of pictures, I finally found 3 that I like. I look forward to viewing and commenting on everyone pictures. This is the last class I need in order to get my degree.
Hello everyone...
Well, I've just signed on and figured I'd take a minute to post. I was into photography years ago in my early 20s with a Pentax SLR that I could never get to take good clear shots with. Recently I graduated from a point-and-shoot to an Olympus E-510 with the Oly 14-54mm f2.8 lens and a Sigma 55-200mm lens. I wanted to take this course to be able to take much better photographs of my family and my kids as they grow up (you'll all probably see lots of pictures of them here!). I am not artistic. Actually, I am probably as far from artistic as possible. I do want to learn how to take better photos, though.
To start things off, here's a photo of my wife when I was fooling around with different settings one evening (I think was the candlelight setting). My only concern is the no flash photography rule - hopefully I can work past that! This one was done with a photo reflector and my halogen work lights!
I look forward to learning as much as I can, meeting fellow students, and looking at everyone's interesting pictures.
Mod 5 2010
Hi Everyone, My name is Petula and this is my first time blogging. Yeah Me.
I was never good at taking pictures and after reviewing the syllabi I am beginning to realise that I did none of what was listed there. I pointed the camera and clicked the button. I am now excited in taking this class and know I will learn interesting and new ways to view my subjest (I mean family). In passing this class, I will the receive my final class 3 credits to receive my degree.
I was never good at taking pictures and after reviewing the syllabi I am beginning to realise that I did none of what was listed there. I pointed the camera and clicked the button. I am now excited in taking this class and know I will learn interesting and new ways to view my subjest (I mean family). In passing this class, I will the receive my final class 3 credits to receive my degree.
hi all
hello everyone- my name is nicole germain. I am actually taking the Digital Photography II this mod, as I have already taken the first section. I am taking one other class this mod 5 and i will receive my degree. I shouldve graduated in May but I still owed these 6 credits so I didnt walk- my credit count got messed up!!!! Looking forward to participating in this class this Mod; I loved it the first time around and learned a ton.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Welcome to Mod 5 Digital Photography I Class
Hi Everyone and welcome to the blog for the Mod 5, 2010 online digital photography class!
This class may be unlike any other class you have ever taken. You success is entirely driven by your shooting and creative activity. Weekly assignments are designed you get you to see and think more "photographically". There are no tests or papers due in this class.... rather, you will be creating an online portfolio of your work as you move from week to week. Quality AND quantity count. Keeping up with your work on a week to week basis also counts. Everything you need to complete this class successfully can be found in the class syllabus linked from the list of links on the right. This class is designed with the beginner in mind and it IS supposed to fun and enriching... I am here to help you succeed.
Any season of the year is good to be taking this class... Spring into summer is a particularly good time. ..Allow yourself time to shoot each week during daylight hours... it's your assignment to do so each week. Light is out until 8 pm now and getting longer with each passing day...The very best light to shoot under is the hour up until sunset... say 7 pm or the hour after dawn. The light is beautiful then. I will be encouraging you to use light expressively throughout this class and no flash pictures are allowed! With your work, try to make a point of shooting while you have light... You might want to change your routine and allow yourself 15 or 20 minutes in the morning before heading off to work to do your shooting.
....You can post to the blog and your portfolio from any computer on the Internet from any where in the world. I'm looking forward to getting started with you...
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